
December 2014
Central Bank of Cyprus Governor Chrystalla Georghadji has expressed optimism that 2015 will signal the start for economic recovery and a return to growth. She was addressing, on Monday 1 December, the Parliamentary Committee on Budgetary and Financial Affairs in the context of the 2015 state budget. Georghadji told MPs that her optimism is based...
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The Cyprus general government accounts achieved a surplus of €274.9 million for the period of January – October 2014. According to figures released by the Ministry of Finance on Monday 1 December, the overall surplus reached 1.58% of GDP compared with a deficit of 2.62% or €474.8 million in the corresponding period of 2013. The...
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Cyprus and the USA signed on Tuesday 2 December an intergovernmental agreement for the implementation of the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), in what has been described as a step further in boosting their economic and political ties. The agreement was signed by Minister of Finance Harris Georgiades and US Ambassador to Cyprus...
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